PLT 17th May 2023 – Carlisle Healthcare – Learning & Improving 


Room 1 (Ground Floor)  

2pm - 4pm - Tissue Viability Update for practice nurses 


Room 4 (2nd floor)  

2pm - 2.45pm - Clinical Audit (Medical Student Presentations 1 & 2)



3pm - 3.45pm - Clinical Audit (Medical Student Presentations 3)


4pm - 4.45pm - Prescribing Audit - Quinine - Michelle Williams 


Room 3 (2nd floor)  

2pm - 2.45pm - Diagnosing and managing hypertension - a team approach - Dr Ben Passey-Heaton 

3pm - 3.45pm - Learning from significant events and case discussions - Dr Robert Westgate 


4pm - 4.45pm - Managing housebound pathology results - Named GP or Team approach - improving the pathway 


Main Admin Room (Prescribing Area - 2nd floor) 

2pm - 2.45pm - Session 1 - Understanding Repeat Dispensing 

3pm - 3.45pm - Session 2 - Understanding Repeat Dispensing 

4pm - 4.45pm - Session 3 - Understanding Repeat Dispensing 


Plenary (Cathedral/Citadel/Castle - 1st Floor) 

5pm - 5.30pm - Review of the afternoon and feedback  


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