Request a Sick Note 

Sick Certification



If you have been sick for more than 3 days in a row, you can self–certify your illness using a SC2 form. 

Self-certification online form

More than seven days off sick

If you’re off work sick for more than 7 days your employer will normally ask for a Fit Note (or Statement of Fitness for Work) from your GP. 

Sick notes can be requested via our Online Consultation service. We will ask you to provide:
  • Information about your sickness
  • Start date
  • Required length of sick note
  • How you would like to receive the sick note 
If you have a smartphone, sick notes can now be text straight to your mobile number. 
Sick notes can be back-dated. 

Please allow up to 5 full working days for a Sick Note to be issued by CHC. 

Emergency or urgent appointments will not be used to request Sick notes.


How to count sick days

When you work out the number of days that you’ve been sick, you need to count all the days in a row you’ve been sick, including days you don’t normally work such as weekends and bank holidays.

Sick note following Hospital admission 

If you are off work due to a Hospital admission, a Sick Note can be issued by the Hospital to cover the period of time you were in the Hospital. Once discharged, your GP can issue a Sick Note, based on your Hospital discharge letter.