Our next PLT is on Thursday 20th April 2pm – 5.30pm


This will be our first whole practice training session since the winter.

Venue – Morton Manor, Wigton Road, Carlisle

2pm  - Welcome and Update

2.30pm – 3.15pm – Workshop 1 (Choice of Wellbeing Session, Safeguarding Update, Basic Life Support Update)

3.30pm – 4.15pm – Workshop 2 (Choice of Wellbeing Session, Safeguarding Update, Basic Life Support Update)

4.30pm – 5.15pm – Workshop 3 (Choice of Wellbeing Session, Safeguarding Update, Basic Life Support Update)

Please click on the following link to give feedback following the event: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/CHCApril23 

Available downloads from the session:
BLS Certficate - /media/content/files/BLS%20Certificate.pdf

Overview Presentation - /media/content/files/PLT%20April%202023.pptx

Safeguarding Update - /media/content/files/Safeguarding%20Update%20April%202023.pptx