New eConsult Hours 

Due to patient feedback and increased demand on our limited resources we are now changing the times you can submit an econsult request to: Monday to Friday, 12pm to 6:30pm (excluding bank holidays)

We want to ensure Carlisle Healthcare maintains safe clinical practice and processes all eConsults within the timescale advised and therefore may need to limit the number of requests we receive should we reach maximum daily capacity

Should we reach our daily capacity limit prior to 6:30pm, eConsult submissions for that weekday will be disabled and will resume the next working day at 12pm. 

Whilst the eConsult advice service is still accessible 24/7, the "Contact your GP practice" part of the eConsult service is only available during the new amended hours. 

Help us help you, by accessing "I want help for my condition", pick the problem area and click "I want to help myself" which gives current advice and 1st line treatments for many health problems.

You can also try a local pharmacy for advice about a range of conditions.

In addition, if the eConsultation system advises that more urgent advice is needed (such as to contact NHS 111 or 999), please stop completing the eConsult and follow the safety advice provided.

Published: Mar 9, 2023